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Old School Marketing Strategy

Oct 1, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

In a world dominated by tweets, hashtags, and viral content, one might assume that traditional media has lost its relevance. Yet, the old-school marketing strategy of leveraging traditional media may be one of the most innovative tactics you can employ this year. As digital marketing strategies continue to evolve, it’s important to remember that the foundation of brand trust and credibility is often rooted in the established norms of traditional earned media.

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Traditional Media: The Timeless Powerhouse

Despite the meteoric rise of social media influencers and digital marketing, traditional earned media continues to wield significant influence. TV, radio, print, and podcasts—these channels have a unique ability to shape public perception and drive consumer behavior in ways that digital media often struggles to replicate.

But why does traditional earned media still matter? Is it simply nostalgia, or is there something inherently powerful about these channels that modern digital strategies can’t match? Let’s explore the six reasons why traditional earned media remains a critical component of a successful marketing strategy.

Trust and Credibility: The Gold Standard of Traditional Media

At the heart of traditional earned media’s enduring appeal is its unmatched ability to build trust and credibility. Unlike the fleeting nature of a social media post, a well-placed TV interview or a feature article in a reputable newspaper carries a weight of authority that is hard to challenge.

Numerical Data:
According to a 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report, 61% of respondents indicated that they trust traditional media, compared to only 35% who trust social media. This disparity underscores the importance of earned media in establishing a brand’s credibility. When consumers see a CEO thoughtfully interviewed on a morning news show, the trust they place in that brand increases significantly, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

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Authenticity: The Key to Consumer Connection

In today’s market, authenticity is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Consumers are increasingly savvy and skeptical, able to spot a sales pitch from a mile away. Traditional earned media offers a platform for genuine storytelling, allowing brands to connect with their audience on a human level.

Consider the impact of a heartfelt documentary segment or an in-depth magazine feature. These formats allow brands to share their story in a way that feels real and relatable, fostering a deeper connection with the audience. In fact, a study by Nielsen found that 92% of consumers trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends, family, or editorial content, more than any other form of advertising.

Amplified Reach and Exposure

While a viral tweet might capture the attention of millions overnight, the reach of traditional media channels is not only vast but also varied. A well-placed TV segment, for instance, can reach a diverse demographic, from millennials to baby boomers, all in one go.

Numerical Data:
In 2022, the average daily time spent watching TV in the United States was 3 hours and 34 minutes, according to Nielsen. This statistic highlights the significant reach of television as a medium. Additionally, a study by the Pew Research Center revealed that 68% of Americans still rely on TV for their news, demonstrating the ongoing relevance of this traditional media channel.

The Ripple Effect:
One of the unique advantages of traditional media is its ability to create a ripple effect. A single media appearance can multiply in impact as it gets shared across online platforms, discussed on radio shows, and featured in follow-up articles. This amplification extends the reach far beyond the initial audience, making traditional media a powerful tool for brand exposure.

Leveraging Legacy Networks: Opening Doors to New Opportunities

Traditional media channels are not just platforms; they are institutions with deep-rooted connections and broad reach. Getting your brand featured on a platform with decades of authority can open doors that are simply not available through newer media channels.

Consider the impact of being featured on “60 Minutes,” a show with over 50 years of broadcasting history. The credibility and authority associated with such a program can position your brand alongside respected figures and trusted entities, elevating your brand’s status in the eyes of the public.

Numerical Data:
In 2023, “60 Minutes” averaged 7.7 million viewers per episode, according to Nielsen ratings. This kind of exposure is invaluable for brands looking to make a significant impact in their industry.

Integrating Traditional Media with Digital Strategies: The Best of Both Worlds

While traditional media offers unparalleled credibility, digital media provides unmatched reach and engagement. The key to a successful marketing strategy lies in integrating these two powerful mediums.

Case Study:
Take, for example, a high-impact TV interview that is then repurposed into bite-sized clips for social media. The original TV segment establishes credibility, while the social media clips extend the reach and drive engagement. Similarly, a thoughtful op-ed can be expanded into a series of blog posts, or a radio mention can be tweeted out with a link to the online broadcast.

Numerical Data:
According to HubSpot, businesses that combine traditional and digital marketing efforts see an average of 15% higher conversion rates. This statistic illustrates the power of a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages the strengths of both traditional and digital media.

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Building a Brand Legacy: The Long Game

Traditional media is not just about the immediate impact; it’s about building a brand legacy. The depth and nuance provided by traditional media coverage allow your brand’s story to be told in a way that resonates with audiences over time.

Consider the enduring impact of a feature article in a major newspaper. Unlike a fleeting social media post, a well-crafted article can continue to shape public perception long after its publication. This is particularly true for brands looking to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

Numerical Data:
A study by PR Newswire found that traditional media coverage generates three times the brand recall of digital ads. This statistic underscores the lasting impact of traditional media in building a brand legacy.

Embracing Tradition in the Age of Innovation

In an era where digital innovations are constantly reshaping the marketing landscape, there’s profound value in sticking with the proven paths of traditional earned media. It offers a depth, authenticity, and credibility that is hard to replicate in newer media forms.

Combining Old and New:
By weaving traditional media strategies with digital marketing efforts, brands can create a media presence that is both comprehensive and compelling. This approach allows brands to leverage the credibility of traditional media while also capitalizing on the reach and engagement of digital platforms.

Can Influencers Be Reporters? The Role of Traditional Media in the Digital Age

As the lines between traditional and digital media continue to blur, a new question arises: Can influencers be reporters? While influencers have their own unique strengths, such as relatability and reach, they often lack the credibility and rigor that traditional reporters bring to the table.

The Role of Traditional Media:
Traditional media outlets have established standards of journalism that ensure accuracy, balance, and fairness. These standards are critical in maintaining the public’s trust, especially in an age where misinformation can spread rapidly online.

Consider the impact of a news segment on a major TV network versus a sponsored post by an influencer. While the latter may reach a large audience, the former is more likely to be perceived as credible and trustworthy. This credibility is crucial for brands looking to build a lasting relationship with their audience.

How Is a Story Told in the Era of Instant Gratification?

In the digital age, where content is consumed in bite-sized pieces, the art of storytelling has evolved. However, the principles of good storytelling remain the same: authenticity, relatability, and emotional resonance.

The Role of Traditional Media in Storytelling:
Traditional media platforms, such as TV, radio, and print, provide the time and space needed to tell a story in a meaningful way. Whether it’s a documentary, an in-depth interview, or a feature article, these formats allow brands to engage their audience on a deeper level.

Consider the difference between a 30-second social media video and a 30-minute TV documentary. While the former might capture attention quickly, the latter provides a more comprehensive and nuanced view of the subject, leading to a deeper connection with the audience.

The Enduring Value of Traditional Media

Despite the rapid advancements in digital marketing, traditional earned media remains a critical component of a successful marketing strategy. Its ability to build trust, provide authentic storytelling, amplify reach, leverage legacy networks, integrate with digital strategies, and build a brand legacy is unparalleled.

Embracing Tradition:
By embracing traditional media in the age of innovation, brands can create a media presence that is both comprehensive and compelling. This approach allows them to leverage the credibility and authority of traditional media while also capitalizing on the reach and engagement of digital platforms.

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Why is traditional earned media still important in the digital age?
Traditional earned media remains important because it provides credibility and trust that are often lacking in digital-only campaigns. It also offers a platform for authentic storytelling and has a broad reach across diverse demographics.

How can traditional media complement digital marketing efforts?
Traditional media can complement digital marketing by providing credible content that can be repurposed across digital platforms. This integration creates a comprehensive campaign that leverages the strengths of both mediums.

What are some examples of traditional earned media?
Examples of traditional earned media include TV interviews, newspaper features, radio segments, and magazine articles. These formats provide in-depth coverage and are trusted by a wide audience.

Can influencers replace traditional media outlets?
While influencers have their own strengths, such as relatability and reach, they often lack the credibility and rigor of traditional media outlets. Traditional media’s established standards of journalism ensure accuracy and fairness, which are critical in maintaining public trust.

How does traditional media build a brand legacy?
Traditional media builds a brand legacy by providing in-depth and nuanced coverage that resonates with audiences over time. This long-term storytelling helps establish the brand as a thought leader in its industry.

Is traditional media still relevant in 2024?
Yes, traditional media is still relevant in 2024. Despite the rise of digital platforms, traditional media channels continue to shape public perception and drive consumer behavior, making them a critical component of a comprehensive marketing strategy.


In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy to overlook the enduring value of traditional earned media. However, by leveraging the strengths of traditional media and integrating them with modern digital strategies, brands can create a media presence that is both credible and compelling. In an age where the new and shiny often overshadow the tried and true, it’s worth remembering that sometimes, the old ways are still the best ways to make a real impact.

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