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17 Ways To Overcome Digital Marketing Fatigue

Sep 21, 2024 | Digital marketing | 0 comments

Marketing Strategy has focused on Digital Marketing as this is just been core need in all industries. Yet, there is a surefire issue now starting to arise as the online shopper landscape becomes savvier and more discriminant of old-school marketing approaches: digital marketing fatigue.

Nowhere is this more the case than in B2B, where buyers are regularly inundated with marketing messages. This guide dives deeper into 17 data-backed strategies B2B marketers can use to fight digital marketing fatigue.

  1. Know what your customers want…..and GIVE IT TO THEM!
    A common addressing mechanism to this issue is understanding what your customer actually cares about. The same report from Accenture also cited a study indicating that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who provide them with relevant offers and recommendations. In B2B this amounts to identifying the needs of your audience and offering them a niche solution.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Keep customer surveys in check, SurveyMonkey and Google Forms would help.
  • Evaluate the habits of your customers with specific preferences, etc., using platforms like Google Analytics.
  • Customize content using live data to make it topical.
  1. Overwhelm Them With Value
    Content is so oversaturated, and it HAS to have the WOW FACTOR. According to Demand Gen Report, 76% of B2B buyers prefer content more specific to their industry. This might involve proprietary research, new tools, or very precise insights that solve their most critical problems.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Create proprietary market reports or white papers only available through you.
  • Build utilities such as ROI calculators to assist customers in addressing specific challenges.
  • Share insightful takeaways in webinars/similar virtual events.

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  1. Human involvement in automated processes
    This is that automation, which is the backbone of modern marketing — but also a significant contribution to depersonalization. Indeed, a report by Evergage found that 96% of marketers say personalization advances customer relationships – yet only 30% believe they are effectively capable of it across channels. They need some accountability to make sure personalization is human and not creepy.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Have one of the team members check automated message audits at regular intervals.
  • Advanced CRM tools such as HubSpot or Salesforce can help in personalization.
  • Review every single piece of any automated content prior to publishing.
  1. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Strategy
    One type of strategy, in particular, Account-Based Marketing (ABM), has been especially effective at alleviating digital marketing fatigue. ITSMA — 87% of marketers who measure ROI say that ABM outperforms every other marketing investment. This lets you increase the depth and quality of customer engagement by running personalized campaigns for high-value accounts.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Know your key accounts and target them in marketing.
  • Leverage LinkedIn and Demandbase for targeted ABM campaigns.
  • Integrate Account-Based Marketing with your CRM to monitor and enhance campaign performance in real-time.
  1. Predict Customer Demands and Solutions
    With predictive analytics, you could start to predict what your customers need before they do. 66% of B2B network members are applying predictive analytics as a customer insights tool (source: Salesforce). By doing this, you can deliver content that is highly relevant and build better relationships with your visitors.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Use the future technologies of SAS or IBM Watson to analyze what consumers are doing.
  • Design recommendations and solutions with insights from the collaborations.
  • Refine your predictive models over time based on feedback and outcomes.

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  1. Opting for quality over quantity
    The “more is more” method results in content overload, which adds to digital marketing fatigue. According to TrackMaven, brands increased content production by 35% in 2020 while witnessing a decline in engagement by 17%. It shows that consumers care about quality over quantity.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Send no more than an email campaign once a week or bi-weekly; don’t bombard your list!
  • Build long-form content: case studies, expert interviews, and detailed guides.
  • Identify the content that performs best by using analytics and focus on those types of content.
  1. Ensure Content Relevance
    Irrelevant stuff is a big issue in digital marketing fatigue. A report by Epsilon revealed that 74% of consumers become frustrated when website content is not personalized. Please make sure you are relevant and post content that belongs to your actual audience as a B2B marketer.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Schedule your content by industry, company size, and target different roles in the organization.
  • Test different types of content with A/B tests.
  • Update your content strategy each month based on feedback from the audience and how well they performed.
  1. Use Personalization in Content Strategy
    Personalization is more than a fancy way of saying putting their first name in the line; it means showing them stuff that fits. Gartner released a report illustrating that brands can increase their profit by 15% by personalizing what they have to offer. A personalized approach is the best way to deliver value in your content strategy where it matters most.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Utilize data to develop content targeted toward various audience segments.
  • Create personalized dynamic content blocks in emails that adjust according to the actions taken by email recipients.
  • Analyze and improve based on engagement metrics to further personalize the offerings.
  1. Go Back To Your Creative Source
    With the digital marketing noise, creativity is key to breaking through. Nielsen says that 47% of a brand’s sales lift from advertising is due to the quality of ad creative. Getting back to creative storytelling roots can reignite this part of your audience and successfully cut through the noise.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Try various types of content, for instance, interactive questionnaires or animations to explainer videos.
  • Work with creative agencies or freelancers to inject new life into your campaigns.
  • Tell customer stories, real-life success stories.
  1. Telling Stories is The Best Way To Humanize Your Brand
    You should use a personal story to resonate with your audience emotionally. Research at Stanford University indicates that stories are remembered 22 times more than facts alone. Storytelling helps you humanize your brand, build deeper connections, and alleviate digital marketing fatigue.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Give them a glimpse behind the curtain with stories from you and your staff.
  • Tell stories of success with real customer stories.
  • Utilize video content to relay your brand’s story in a simpler, more interesting manner.
  1. Turn Your Loyal Customers into Influencers
    And loyal customers, well they are some of your most genuine and powerful marketers. Per a Nielsen study, 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals above brands. Utilizing your most fervent customers as influencers can create authentic, genuine content that breaks through the digital weariness.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Choose your happiest customers and ask them to write for you.
  • Implement a referral or affiliate program to motivate your customers, which will take them as brand advocates in return.
  • Inspire traveling customers to post on social media mentioning your brand.
  1. Clearly define the goal of your message and WHO it is meant for
    We live in an era where consumers are being barraged by content; hence, clear messaging is more important than ever. In fact, ClearVoice found that content with specific goals and audience targeting is 60% more effective in terms of driving engagement. Overcoming fatigue boils down to what the goal of your message is and how it resonates with your audience.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Create clarity on what the piece of content is meant to achieve before its development.
  • Use specific, direct copy that will resonate with your audience and their problems.
  • Test out different messaging tactics to see what really speaks to your target audience.

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  1. Heighten Simplicity and Relativity
    Often a simple message is the most powerful one. A study by the Journal of Consumer Research has found that simple language correlates with consumer trust and engagement. Giving plain and simple content will limit the fatigue in your marketing efforts.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Keep clear of jargon or technical terms unless it is unavoidable.
  • Simplify complex content using visual elements like infographics.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs for plain language.
  1. Your Personalization Has to Be Relevant
    In that case, top-tier personalization is more than just basics — it delivers a hard-hitting customized experience designed to solve current customer needs. Companies that are best at personalization will outsell companies that lag in these efforts by 30%, statistically (McKinsey). It is also a great way to increase customer engagement, as well as reduce fatigue.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Leverage customer data to provide personalized content and product suggestions.
  • Stay updated on new customer behavior, and practice your personalization algorithms.
  • Listen to and learn from customer interactions as well as feedback to upgrade personalization.
  1. Stay Sharp and Adapt Quickly
    The current scenario of digital marketing is quite unstable, with new trends coming up frequently. Remain agile and prepared to switch gears instantly, keeping your audience engaged. Companies at the top of digital transformation are 1.5 times more likely to outperform revenue goals, according to a report from Adobe.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Stay ahead of the curve on new digital trends and best practices.
  • Frequently evaluate and update your marketing strategies according to results data.
  • Be willing to change your strategy on a dime in response to changing markets.
  1. Sure, you can create alliances with other companies at some point, but your goal is building bespoke entry content for decision-maker personas.
    Creating personalized content tailored specifically for decision-makers can help you stand out from the crowd. Some insight from LinkedIn shows that 65% of B2B buyers stated that the vendor’s content significantly impacts their decision to purchase. One way to differentiate yourself is by producing content that directly addresses the issues faced by decision-makers.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Create semi-granular personas of the major decision-makers in your target industries.
  • Develop content that speaks to the unique pain points and desired outcomes for each of these personas.
  • Employ micro-targeting in your ads to reach the right people.
  1. Distinguish Your Company from the Competition Using Direct Mail
    Direct mail allows you to reach your audience in a tangible, personal way amidst an increasingly digital world. Direct mail enjoys a 4.9% response rate, whereas email has only half that at best, at 0.6%, according to the Data & Marketing Association. Adding direct mail to your mix helps you stand apart and gain traction.
    Actionable Tips:
  • Create persona-driven direct mail campaigns that sync up with your digital marketing efforts.
  • Use unique offers in your direct mail to create engagement.
  • QR codes and PURLs can be used to track and measure the impact of direct mail campaigns.

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Here are five tools that can help reduce digital marketing fatigue by streamlining processes and improving efficiency:

1. HubSpot

A comprehensive marketing automation platform that can help with lead nurturing, email campaigns, content management, and social media. Its automation tools reduce repetitive tasks, helping marketers avoid burnout.

2. Hootsuite

A social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts across multiple platforms, monitor engagements, and analyze social media performance, reducing the time spent on manual social media tasks.

3. Trello

Trello is a project management tool that helps marketers organize tasks, collaborate with team members, and stay on top of deadlines. It’s a great way to manage content creation workflows and prevent task overload.

4. Buffer

Buffer helps schedule social media posts in advance and manage all your social accounts in one place. With analytics and team collaboration features, it minimizes the time and effort spent on social media marketing.

5. CoSchedule

A marketing calendar and content organizer that helps teams plan and execute their campaigns efficiently. It’s perfect for managing blog posts, social media, and other digital content, reducing the stress of multitasking.

These tools help automate processes, manage workflows, and optimize time, thereby reducing the fatigue associated with digital marketing efforts.


  1. What is digital marketing fatigue?
    Digital Marketing Fatigue is when consumers receive so many relevant offers that the time investment needed to purchase something becomes a negative. This is even more prevalent in B2B marketing, where decision-makers receive an endless stream of emails, ads, and content.
  2. What makes digital marketing fatigue more prevalent in B2B?
    B2B marketing sales cycles are often more prolonged processes, resulting in many touchpoints and information overload for your audience. Also, B2B shopping behavior is more scrutinized, and repetitive or irrelevant content can lead to boredom.
  3. How does personalization help address digital marketing fatigue?
    Personalization tackles digital marketing fatigue through relevance—content is curated based on what the recipient actually needs and values. The likelihood that the audience will tune out from marketing is significantly reduced through personalization.
  4. What is the connection of Account-Based Marketing to decreasing marketing fatigue?
    ABM is a personalized approach to marketing for high-value accounts that target particular challenges or issues. It works for decreasing fatigue because personalized communication has a better chance of resonating with the audience.
  5. Why is it better to have quality rather than quantity in digital marketing?
    Quality is more significant than quantity because of the value your content provides to its audience. The more valuable the content, the more likely the audience will engage, build relationships, and remain non-fatigued.
  6. Can direct mail have an impact on a digital marketing strategy?
    Absolutely, it is a great strategy that complements digital marketing. Direct mail adds a tactile, personal element to your marketing reach in ways digital marketing cannot. When paired with and used as an extension of personalized messaging, direct mail results in a jump in engagement.

Digital marketing fatigue is more of a struggle now, especially in the B2B sector. However, by implementing the strategies described in this guide—quality, personalization, and creativity reconnection—marketers can overcome digital marketing fatigue and stay relevant and on their toes as time goes by.

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